Day 54, 5/29: M-993, Rod Hollow (24mi)

The day started by grabbing a hot breakfast in Front Royal and then hitching 4 miles back to the trail.

These gorgeous purple flowers lined much of the trail to start the day.

This tree growth reminded me of a rhinoceros head.

The Denton Shelter is one of the coolest on the trail so far, it even has a solar shower…

and a deck with Adirondack chairs.

and a stocked trail magic box (granola bars 🙂

Some more Trail Magi…giving out cold sodas on a warm steamy day hit the spot! The truck is called the Hiker Gypsy Bus.

I was a bit offended that the AT was given a Green Circle rating…but this section of trail was actually quite easy: smooth and flat.

The 24 miles wouldn’t have been too demanding if I had started hiking before 10am. Other than a short stop at the Denton shelter I went almost nonstop until a park bench in the middle of the trail called my name at 5pm after 5 hours straight without taking my pack off. I had an early dinner there before the last 6+ miles to camp. I got in about 7:45pm and was ready to be off my feet.